My financial journey began back in 2017, probably even before then as I’ve alwasy been a worry wort when it came to money. I got a student loan to pursue my 4-year undergrad in Brazil. I in no way shape of form regret my education, however, why is it so dang expensive. And then I chose to pursue a masters in 2022 which added to my debt and dwindled my savings.
That being said, I’m now rebuilding. I already know that the progress will be slow if I dont pull up my bootstraps and think outside the box.
Here’s a sneak peek into my projected net worth for the year.
Corporate Grind & Entrepreneurship
Options are limited but I have created a little plan to get my networth in the black.
- Leveraging my 9 to 5: As much as I’d love to take a year off to relax, regroup and figure out my next steps, I simply cant afford to. So I can either stay at a job that I have fallen out of love with or I can find a newer job – hopefully one with a nice paycheck and that’s stimulating. Either way the plan is to invest 70% of my paycheck! For reference my current savings rate varies between 26-30% per month, so I have a long way to go.
- Exploring active and passive income streams: Passive income isnt actually passive up front, it takes A LOT of work to set up a new business or side hustle. With that being said I am dipping my feet into a couple. I dont want to get too into the details here but keep an eye on the /now page for monthly-ish updates.
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