green ceramic statue of a man

Final Thoughts on my 2016 Thesis – Thesis Part 7

5. Conclusion In Barbados, since the implementation of the pension reform in 2006, the number of contributors has increased due to changes in eligibility terms for benefits, such as the minimum retirement age. However, this work highlights that the latest reform will not solve the fiscal problems of the NIS, but rather delay them, as…

Results – Thesis Part 6

Results To establish a basis for comparison, Table 4 summarizes the results of various countries, showing how Barbados, a developing country, compares to more robust economies. As previously mentioned, the Old-Age Dependency Ratio (ODR) is widely used to measure how aged a population is. In 2000, during a period of concern about the future sustainability…

computer coding screengrab

National Insurance Scheme Pensions Data – Thesis Part 5

3. Methodology 3.1. Data The data used in this study includes information on contributors and beneficiaries, insurable earnings, and average benefits provided by the NIS Barbados. Additionally, population data and participation rates were obtained from the United Nations. The objective is to observe trends in these variables over the analysis period of approximately 50 years…

Retirement in Barbados – Thesis Part 3

Let’s continue looking at the literature review 2.2 [INSERT VIDEO HERE] 2.2. Retirement in Barbados This section aims to present the benefits provided by the social security system in Barbados. Previously, it was mentioned that the Barbados National Insurance Scheme (NIS) covers five main types of benefits: short-term benefits, long-term benefits, retirement benefits, unemployment benefits,…